Work-life imbalance is a situation when boundaries
between professional and personal life start to
disappear and one life starts to invade the other.

Work-life imbalance can have several causes which are mostly
related to work conditions. Examples would be work demands,
working hours, low rewards, intolerant bosses, work design etc.

There are some solutions that may help to reduce the negative
effects of work-life imbalance. These solutions can vary from
time management to meditation. We listed some of the
solutions in this page so that it can help you maintain your
work-life balance more smoothly.

Pomodoro Technique For More
Effective Time Management.

Pomodoro Technique suggests 25 minutes work + 5
minutes break schedule for efficent working. After
repeating this 4 times, you give 30 minutes of break.

Activate Your Parasympathetic
Nervous System.

Activating your parasympathetic nervous system which is also
known as rest mode is essential. Meditation, exercising,
spending time in nature, sleeping can help you activate your
parasympathetic nervous system.

42% Rule Can Help You Achieve Your
Work-Life Balance.

42% Rule suggests that you should rest 42% of your time. This is
equal to 10-11 hours of your time in a day.

Track Your Ultradian Rhythms.

Ultradian Rhythms are biological cycles repeated
within 24 hours. These rhythms can show you what
are the best times to work and rest in a day.

Avoid Parkinson’s Law For Better

Parkinson’s Law suggests that a task fills up the time that is
given for its completion. Getting better at judging time and
giving each task the right amount of time needed for its
completion can lead to better scheduling.