EVEN is a social media campaign that aims to raise awareness about the issue of work-life imbalance.

Explore what work-life imbalance is now!



EVEN is a social media campaign that aims to raise
awareness about the issue of work-life imbalance.

With the improvement of technology, most of us feel that our work place extended to our personal lives. There is always one more e-mail to reply to, one more phone call to make and the work hours never seem to end. The healthy boundaries between professional and personal life is constantly getting blurred. This situation is often referred as “work-life imbalance.”

In a world where a continuous work presence is expected, EVEN’s aim is to raise awareness about this growing issue. Through posts and promotional videos, EVEN aims to reach a young audience who are the future of work life. The campaign provides information, tips and solutions to solve this problem and prepare young generation for a better balanced life.


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