"I've Seen So Many Bathrooms" is an experimental publication that aims to reach every segment of society explaining the mental state of Eating Disorder patients. Apart from making the EDs visible, this diary is a confession from me as the author. I wanted to communicate what I have experienced for two years in which I was suffering from anorexia, orthorexia, and bulimia. By doing this, I tried to examine the real problems experienced by the patients as individuals who struggle with this issue. I highlighted both the physiological and psychological effects.
Eating Disorders are seen by society as insignificant diseases and perceived as sauciness; the public do not have the necessary awareness and empathy. However, I needed to find out why people keep silent on this intense topic - mortality rates are the highest among other mental illnesses- and they continue to trigger people and unwittingly encourage eating disorders.
Eating disorders can occur in each body, in all genders, and every period of life, unlike the common misbeliefs. Thus, individuals with eating disorders cannot be identified due to their body shape.
Seeing the seriousness of the problem from a person who is still in recovery may create great awareness. As I have mentioned earlier, people who are unconscious about the subject are unintentional reasons for the problem. I aim to ensure that every individual in the community becomes aware of this inconvenience's existence to prevent such unhealthy situations before future patients are misdirected and form wrong perceptions about their bodies.
Moreover, I created the chance to apologize to myself and my surroundings for not being able to be with them in a real sense - both mentally and physically- in these two years, and to justify myself in the end. In addition, seeing the truth can create empathy even in those who have never known the situation.
My diary was the only thing that could transparently describe this period. I decided to use this printed material so that I gather everything about my life. Basically, I am a storyteller to tell what it is like to live with it. Since its primary concept relies on a completely subjective perspective, it is an experimental design. Briefly, I presented my diary to the audience to shock the viewer and evoke feelings of self-love and self-appreciation after analyzing the condition. Plus, I wanted to remind the patients that they are not alone.
"I've Seen So Many Bathrooms" is an experimental publication that aims to reach every segment of society explaining the mental state of Eating Disorder patients. Apart from making the EDs visible, this diary is a confession from me as the author.
Also created is a website to sell promotional items and gain visibility on the web and also let people understand what the book is about.

I also created a set of t-shirts for promotional purposes to be sold seperately on the website.
Made a series of promotional items to be sold on the website.

I also created a poster for promoting the book using print as a medium.
Created an instagram account to make people aware about my book, website and promotional items sold seperately.