Due to the complexity of acne treatment, people do not understand what the products are, how they should be used and when they should be used. This lack of comprehension, causes people's skin problems to worsen.
1st one: Simply because of the text. It is either too small to read or too short to understand or it is just not comprehensible (usually it is decorated with English words or ingredient names that absolutely makes no sense to the customer).
2nd one: There are too much combined products usages and too many instructions. How to do it and when to do it is always a problem. The customers usually create a self care routine by their own (usually totaly wrong) which leads to skin damage.
3rd one: The ‘sales person’ is usually not educated about the specific acne problem. Even if she/he is educated about the instructions, to convey them properly, so that the user clearly understands and recalls them, needs a special tutoring skill which is seldomly present.
- Researched contemporary VR & AR technulogy.
- 5 thesis relating to the problem are studied.
- 2 dermatologist are interviewed extensively and a survey on 8 dermatologist is performed.
- 6 sales persons are interviewed, a survey on 64 customers is performed.
- Target is females of age 20-25, they do not like to read but watch video.
- Products are mostly used incorrectly with wrong timings which leads to further skin damages.
- Make the process easier, communicate more legibly, help people track their daily care routine.
The solution addresses the multidimensionality of the problem. In addition to a clear and legible package design a mobile app is developed. This app, also making use of the AR technique, provides information at different levels. Namely,
- a video of the product usage,
- a short summary of what to do’s and
- a detailed web content reachable by as single click
All this is available to the customer by simply turning the app’s camera towards the package.
For acne products the target customers are young female individuals. The solution must encompass their habits pattern. Whether we like or not, this can be summarized with the keywords; simplistic, fast and flexible, mobile, visual, web.
In the domain of proper acne treatment none of the solutions are simple on the product content. There are procedures and orders to be strictly followed. The solution concept has to be based on the explanatory aspects of these procedures and orders. Each step has to be explained visually and the time flow has to be governed by a computerized aid. Furthermore information for ‘deep divers’ shall also be made available. The developed packaging and mobile app serves these purposes all.
For this project a mobile application was created which enabled the customer to track their daily routine and show the proper usages of the products via AR. The application was only developed for android.
However the customer can also download Artivive (AR scanning app) which leads them to scan the package and show the animation.
While creating the package, the concerns were to make the package easy to read and easy to understand. The numbering system was created n order to make it more simple and clear. By scanning the frontal part of the packaging the customer can easily understand how and when the products inside was going to be used.

The materials used was semi-transparent glass for the sustainability reasons. A white transparent printing label is stuck on it. The usage numbers was highlighted.
Vertical billboard posters of the newly developed brand were prepared. Posters were made to highlight the acne problem, its usability in all skin types, and the developed technology.
The whole process was recorded for 4.5 months and turned into a time-lapse video.
In the exhibition hall a section inspired from the retail shelfs was created as if the audience was the actual customer shopping for the skin care products. The audience was given a phone with the developed AR application installed and they were asked to scan the designed packages.