I created a brand that is luxury to the fullest while touching an overlooked part of the cosmetics and selfcare; smell. Imôra Flanchê tries to change the scent of the products of its to be coherent with the user’s chemistry and different moods and feeling he or she is going through. It also puts natural conditions, like weather and temperature, into account to place the scent profile wherever it should be to project the best smell possible. It’s only possible with the fruits, florals and other raw materials that is favored for certain seasons, supported by aroma chemicals. Products of Imôra Flanchê is totally unisex and to amplify this aspect, sharp and curvy edges are applied to almost all products, packages, visuals and identity of the brand.
%44 of the people who fall between the ages of 18-29 use fragrance everyday, and %41 of the people who are between 30-59 use fragrance on a daily basis. Also, more than %20 of these people apply fragrance several times per week. Women segment of perfumery accounts for %58,6. That is one of the reasons why I want to make my products unisex rather than biased on one gender. In addition, %35 women in USA are likely to wear fragrance dictated by their mood, compared to men and %30 of these women use fragrance to enhance their mood. More on the matter, average shopping time for scents for men is 30 seconds, but it’s 12 times more for women.
Advantage of my cosmetic brand’s products is that the person wearing it will smell, most probably, different from rest of the others that using them. You only need one type of cosmetic products and it’s my brand. My products not only change its scent according to varying situations and moods, they also work in order with the person’s skin, because all of us has a different genetics. However, my products aren’t making something magical since they only act according to chemical reactions on your body, they are only miraculous.
Products of my brand counteracts with your unwanted emotions and harmonize with your wanted emotions, which makes them a truly versatile piece of cosmetic merchandise. Since my products are aimed at both genders, I intended to surround my brand with masculine and feminine lines and apply it to almost every element of my project. Logo of Imôra Flanchê is composed of curvy and sharp edges to indicate unisex nature of my products. I, also, show this on my bottle and package designs. Moreover, in my poster and billboard advertisements, I used my bottle in diagonally positioned posture. The reason for that is to express the products are unisex and both genderscan wear this amazing creation of fragrance and other cosmetic products.
I created a brand that is luxury to the fullest while touching an overlooked part of the cosmetics and selfcare; smell.
Also created are posters, billboards, magazine advertisements and various other items intune with the brand identity.
During the branding phase I also created the packaging for the product.
I also had to think about what kind of packaging would be suitable for the product itself. So I have designed and modelled a prototype package and created 3D prints.

Also created an ecommerce website around the product to sell the products online.